Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Things are working out

So I had a massage and then an assessment with the Sri Aurobindo Aryuvedic Doc. I could have gone for the more spectacular hollywood fantasy villa treatment center with the beautiful french indian maidens in the jodhpur kameez stop desie. Ok so the Aurobindo one was odd. Kept stopping through the massage to answer the phone. The actual session was a chat after he took my several pulses, and boiled down to, you can choose between what is superficially pleasant but you know to be bad for you, and vice versa. He mentioned sometimes a young gel will smile but she bears daggers and an old teacher maybe a grump but have the correct advice to give. And although he suggested then in practice no sugar, no white wheat, (biscuits) white rice (can have the southern version) and although he din't specifically say no loose women of low morals who will leave you feeling empty and used in the morning and bereft of body parts, wallet and pin number I think I know what he means. He said to email or write in two months and let him know if my asthma had ceased. He feels all I need to do is to avoid the bad and stick with the good and stay away from mr inbetween, and frankly I managed a good start avoiding the red painted treatment centre, I mean it was painted red and had chinese garden kung fu maiden written all over it. I am not saying it was easy or that I still harbour yearning regrets but I did it.

And he said indian sweets are ok if made of pure ghee just avoid western hydrogenated fats. And I happened to pass an indian sweet shop marked with pure ghee sweets. God is great. If you love the universe it loves you right back.

Oh at 3 one of the travel agents will reconfirm my ticket to colombo for me for 200 rupees. Now I am sure I could do it for less but I don't know the number for air lanka reconfirmations and I don't have a phone so 200 rs sounds fine. This is a nice place. I had a bit of a worry when I realized that shopping outwith a purpose is so relaxing. I spent over two hours browsing for both pressies and unnecessary purchases for myself. It only gets stressful if you have something in mind you must have. Plus mumsie watched over me, I am restrained, I will splash out on the Macpowerwhatever it's called mind. I need something sexy to play Lord of the Rings on line and mount internet campaigns though maybe not internet campaigns it's a bit too platonic cave but stuck in the cave.

Well I think I'll mosey back along to the Guest House. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone but no doubt I have. The good thing about being a little bit persona non-grata is a lot of folks have shown their true colours and it makes it a lot easier to figure out who the alliance forces are. Are you sure this is all we go. This is all we need. Ok then.

Yep life is good. I am frighteningly saddened by my experience with that nurse woman. And that's really odd because she clearly wasn't meant to be anything other than a goad to push me to India. Now job done, why be sad. I am only sad if I write her letters I then re-read and tear up so maybe I should stop doing that. I should also stop eating sugar and wheat products (biscuits) but if enlightenment was easy it wouldn't be the grail of all grails that it is now would it hmmm.

I don't think I'll have access again till November 2 unless the buddhist thing has fallen through and if it has I am sure there is something better lurking for me behind a cloud. Ciao Namaskar, Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti

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