Friday, February 12, 2010

On line petition for the immediate release of Irom Sharmila Chanu
Drop by if you have time it started today and closes on her birthday 14 March. And if that is a current photo of hers and I think it might be, then she is still a fox. This one is technically an on-line petition but I think just sending a huge long list of names is pretty ineffective so what it does is sends five emails to the various federal and national heads of state in India with your signature and email address, then it logs a record of your details and adds them to a list. We are currently at 32. I think originally there were 40 just men it's the number Abraham is told must be around in Sodom and Gomorrah for God to spare it.

Hey I recall someone telling me that she thought I was brave and right and everything but could she send a letter with a false name in case she ended up on a no fly list. We choose which world to live in and I have decided to live in a fantasy world of hope. The rest of you can worry about no fly lists if you want.

I am like those liberal MPs of Lord Steel now returning to my constituencies to prepare for ok well maybe not as ridiculous as them but wow if she is released. Well it's a whole new life. I mean real life. Rock and Roll.

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