Sunday, December 20, 2009


When Noel Coward was asked to say something witty at an airport he said, Australia. Now I have about an hour to go on that. I liked it. Couldn't get why the yankee CNN guy hated it it bodes well for the Spirit. And I realized I can just go to town with long rants about anything and call it a review of Australia. There was some suggestion by a well meaning friend who perhaps thinks me more grown up than I am nah anyway that I do lots of reviews and then become a starred reviewer and then be paid by companies to say nice things about their films. Now there are many reasons why such a career would not work. First I think ordinary people have to start saying that they found your review helpful whereas I would see them more as a distinctive work of art in their own right more taking off from the film I am discussing but freely in full flight not pinned or tied down by invisible threads. And the very thought that I might pwostitute my sacwed calling. I thay woth he thwying to inthult me. Anyway it will give me more things to do. I think I have taken on board the critique to get a life, now it appears I have several. Luckily I bought three chocolate bars and have two left plus a very small bouteille de biere de ginger so I shall sup and then return to Australia. So far excellent magical realist fairy tale obviously right up my billabong. But there is an hour to go. Hmm. Well let's see what the master does with it. I do so hate it if they become self-indulgent but one can hope not and if the CNN guy hated it well not for yanks could be for me.

Oh Dev's priest friend rolls up and says he will take me to see my priest friend. Oh yes I say is he expecting us. No but he will come quite late after a busy day and take me do I want to go. And I sort of say well no really I know his uncle. But don't you have a pressie for him. Well I have pressies but not necessarily for him. So he says he has been very busy. I guess he worked out I wasn't going to offloads loads of rupiyah for his kids. I might have done I am a bit of a soft touch but I guess he found my lectures too humiliating. Your man has got to learn to pucker up if he wants to make bish.

Anyway I plan to leave tomorrow after lunch, well after lunch and the three films I have downloading have downloaded. Then I switch off the Mcbook and switch on again in Bangalore. I think that's it. A few chocs some ginger beer and we are good to go. Oh I didn't go for Nomdeplume had Dematante as my family name but it seems to want to use my real name with real name tag, I always feel the best way to hide is right out in the open. And I'm not sure how seriously Nomdeplume Dematante would have been taken in the long run. All happens for a reason. Oh nearly tea time Mrs Miggins sometimes sends over a tea. If not have ginger beer and chocs. I am self sufficient.

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