Sunday, December 27, 2009


I arrived on 23rd and have been relaxing in the motherland since then. I am on the verge of working out what the various regions of Goa mean, so when people ask which part of Goa I may have a response. All to do with snobbery of course and how portuguese you pronounce.

So a little annoyed with DVK but one must not be troubled by little things. Fr Jose's Mother died a few days before I returned so he was in Kerala for the funeral. Fr Davis who runs the PG Bloc had readied my room for the next occupant I had to ask him for the key. I was given the bum' s rush at the end. I cannot guarantee the lives of the pigeonlings after I left but I don't feel responsible for them after I left. One tried to maintain neutrality like the old country but when bordering fascistic forces. Anyway after much consideration I think the best way to respond outwith pettiness is to require Fr Jose to return the excess of the 350 pounds sterling I had deposited with him for my keep at DVK based on my being evicted on 14th December instead of the room being kept for me for my return. I might get a couple of hundred pounds more. I think it may impinge upon the PG Director's accounts. My guess is he is a bit of a people pleaser, has been allowing the fathers too many freebies and now has a massive hole in the accounts for which he can give no reason.

Anyway extras to Fr Jacob via Fr Jose for my stay in Kerala next shift. After that maybe Bali I read this fun book Eat Love Pray by Gilbert which reminds me must do a review of it for Amazon but these things may have to wait for my return to civilization. John the Just shares a house with his brother, but sort of down the middle the practice is described in Once upon a time in Aparanta so it's a Goan thing. This is my first internet experience since arriving. I have attended midnight mass, one Goan dance. And some parte s based around food and meeting John's relatives, one of whom I think may be a widow and a fine cook, now I had thought about asking the Universe if I could marry her for her hand as it were. But three kids and I am pretty sure they wouldn't all like me even if they did figure out I could help with their education.

Not to mention the widow is a Caflick Fundamentalist and I don't think necessarily would want to remarry. Plus she may not be a widow. Yep maybe we are going to need a bigger boat.

So that is why I have not been taking advantage of the kind seedings of Yahoo Answers. Though in my absence I still got 5 best answers takes a few days for them to kick in. That's 50 more points. I think it's best to return when I know I have continuous access.

Oh I didn't get to ask whether I had any mail waiting for me at DVK. But I'll ask Jose along with the deposit return request. Disappointing in some ways but I was given a precursor prophecy of how I will be treated if my money runs out and that's always good to know. They give me food lodging and tuition because and only because I give them money, no woman no cry and all that stuff. Oh I did like the Gilbert. A book for spiritual tourists. It was meant for me. And yet as spiritual tourists go she started off nicer than most holy people and improved dramatically in the course of her meditation ashram sojournings not to mention pasta in Italy.

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