Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Emergency Funds

I remember was it Flora's dad or his friend, anyway he had this car with two petrol tanks but he always kept one full as an emergency tank never used it. The ATM refused my card could have been a small bank but it said it had retained the card which was a lie, but no sense in pushing my luck. Tomorrow I'll head into town early and get some Sri Lankan rupees for the rest of my stay am burning fumes for now. The current rate is 114 to a USD so I should get around ten thousand they never give the rate they quote. About 3-4 thousand should keep me in food till Monday. Then I need 105 rupees for the bus to Colombo, which if I time right I then just have to mosey on down to the Airport. Flight is 7 ish in the morning of 22 have to be there three hours before so I dunno if they let me in evening before that's good else I go find a cinema to watch stuff at. Then I have indian rupees for once I get to Bangalore and Fr Jose will give me some more I think. And if the card works at an airport shop I'll get some JW Red usually they don't swallow the card they swipe them. 6 days and counting. Oh got my laundry done not a good idea to send a tourist to do his own laundry but there you go, am here to help the local economy. They are as good as new bless but for that price I could have bought a decent suit here. Ah but first time they had a decent clean. At least I have clean stuff to wear for the week though probably best to get them washed again in Goa. I'll only have ten gs but it should last. In case there is an unforseen circumstance.


  1. Always nice to know your blog is being read by someone even if it is your land lady. I can vouch for the fact that you were a complete gentleman though the fact that she has taken you up on the proposal of marriage is interesting. I remember it was much worse when your bro' was reading your other blog.
    What's this about returning to these pastures green in March? Is this a flying visit or something longer...?

  2. Not strictly true to say my proposal has been accepted because even in the non-formal unstructured way that I am a proposal of marriage I'm not sure certainly in canon I am pretty certain that no proposal could validly be made to a married woman. But that aside I think it is fair to say that I am as close as you can get to having a relationship with the hostel keeper that you could have without any outside observer ever believing that you actually had a relationship and for what it's worth not going that badly, but if you were hoping for engagement or wedding invites no need to clear any dates as yet but even if I did announce I would hold off clearing any dates until the dust settled. But then could be all sorts of letters waiting for me in Bangalore or not. Yes I think I may return March 25th unless BA goes bankrupt and I am given some kind of refund. Just long enough to find out if there is any money getting to my account and if so how much and maybe finding a better way of accessing it. Oh I am sure my bro could find me here then unless never underestimate the power of a geeky teenager which leads me to believe either my nieces aren't very geeky or they just aren't that into me.
