Saturday, October 3, 2009

Honour among Thieves

Sometimes peeps reply to my emails usually I am not fussed. John the Just and Rick the Charismatic had agreed to wrest control from my cousins of "Trust" they are operating providing me with an allowance of 325 pounds per month. But there was talk that I had signed papers over to them and it's not clear that the money is in trust for me at all, it may just be their savings from which they send me an arbitrary amount at their discretion.

Why sweat I was born into a family of thieves, I am just a lazy incompetent one. I have tried to let John know that I will not be needing their services to stop me spending my money. I feel the efforts of my brother and cousins are above and beyond in that respect. What I really need is some money of my own. I signed power of attorney for them to sell my house in my name but they don't have power of attorney to invest or do anything with the funds other than send it to my account. I hope this sounds reasonable because there is no need to get heavy with the people who have been on my side while the carrion pig dragon thieves are on their hols spending my money on well yes the black bile does rise again somewhat.

But I figure I get some money in my account. We all get a piece of the corpse of my dead mother. How I wish I were more spiritual but I amn't. Best for me not to sign anything more for the cousins. What I find odd though is that they maintain that I am suffering from an unspecified mental illness which unfortunately they have been unable to persuade my GP to collude with. This opinion is backed by their father. The rest of the family wish me well hope that I can conclude matters amicably and assure me that they love us all equally. Cunts eh. Not quite how St James put it but there you go, probably better in the original Syriac.

I had thought the only way my brother could maintain the view was by experiencing at least a psychotic episode. But that's like suggesting the only way you could get mugged on the underground is if the mugger was having a psychotic episode and truly believed he had a right to your wallet.

Now the sad thing is I have just read the speeches as selected by the MD of the Book of the Month Club of A Lincoln. First the guy should get a medal not Abe the MD of the Book of the Month Club, he has got rid of all the boring bits, and presented in 100 pages a spiritually uplifting classic for those busy with Syriac Studies and family affairs. Phoonan the Bandit Queen's autobiography is old school. Sure catchy enough, gritty but at least 300 pages and you get life raw in tooth and claw. There are film versions available and a novelocumentary. But the point is yep it's uplifting, but it's just as easy to drop down back into the mud.

If I get some money so I don't have to worry about and I live well, compared to 85% of the population who know their place from birth, I dunno. Sri Aurobindo was right about Karma not working the way Hippies think it does. If the good was rewarded and the bad punished then as Skinner demonstrated the world would be an awfully nice place by now. That's not what Karma means you dumbass hippies.

When they return the remainder of my money, I shall like Achilles with Briseis claim it is not enough and retired to my tent until my favourite cousin dies in battle and if it were Big Di and her husband well death is something to be celebrated children. It's just like changing clothes what's the fuss all about. Though after all the sweat, vomit and excrement you probably want a change of clothes.

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