Friday, November 27, 2009

Clay Idols

I don't think I am overly concerned but I have read now two counter-comments on Irom Sharmila C. In many ways standard stuff if you search around the interweb or a pub main drinking area the wisdom of the group would eventually throw up such. One version from songs of innocence and experience (jewish lawyer type) is she not a creation of the Indian state just as the terrorist/insurgents. Another more overtly states she will never attack the insurgents because they are the ones protecting her, she is like the soft wing of insurgency. At the same time supporting her cause because how unpopular can you be in polemic.

Sri Aurobindo and Levinas obviously put the matter more eloquently and at deeper levels. On splitting and repression projection rather too simplistic and superficial a model but worth acknowledging. It is possible that the siddhis are seductive, that the 9 year indefinite fast for prolonged periods in solitary with the petty taunts and punishments of the State at its worst has blinded me to her failings. Just like few dare to criticize baby jesus for never learning how to swim.

Aurobindo argued that all this non-violence does is strenghthen the vital body (the one immediately more rarefied than the physical the Astral body of light) so that when you do decide to take revenge you are far more powerful than your oppressors. Levinas speaks of the initial violence in intimacy or caring.

Both believe that there is another way turning things around. Instead of seeing this as duty or even bounden duty through love you recognize the other, as a more intimate self. This requires the incarnation of the supramental being so that it is no longer I but Thee. It would be perhaps a little disappointing if she were just an exceptional guru with amazing siddhis but then if I was happy putting her on a pedestal there is no need to sorrow if I needs must knock her off.

I am with Paschal on this. Let these fools wager on the Lose Lose. I am putting regular books, prayers and hope faith and love in her being another prophet of our certain evolution. And it is a good sign that decent thoughtful people of the children of light are attacking her if only with barbed compliments. There is nothing more spiteful or jealous than a childe of the light who fears losing some of the limelight. And if she wanted to be spiteful or jealous in her turn I would kiss her full on the lips, and if not I'd continue to admire her from afar. Win Win.

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