Friday, November 20, 2009

Rubies of silence

For somewhere on the longing breast of earth
The unknown lover waits for thee the unknown.

Last housewife who gave me the standard down-to-earth, I am a working mother with three kids one of them my husband and five lives to juggle I wish I had the time to meditate. I just sensed now the irritation rising in my body before dissipating. Now it occurs me to me you never hear a housewife of a certain age and status in the community complaining that the only reason she didn't have the affair with George (Clooney) was that she couldn't find the time. And it occurred to me, all this talk of evolving into a supramental being and gathering enough tapas so that men would fear and the respect due when really the only thing that is going to motivate the wild elephant or wild boar that passes for my human mind and rational thinking machine is the whiff of a promise of the unknown lover. Why didn't you say Desie, you mean this is going to get us laid. 5am all the same to us, come on come on life is ticking away and you know our feelings on Viagra.

That said I feel I am much closer to logging on to LOTRO, and with the help of an experienced on-line gamer, and not just that no, why I was only tinking just this second if Queen Elizabeth only knew of the varied talents of the man he'd be given a knighthood for sure. Though I recall my brief moment of abuse of power, when the late Dr Badawi (pbuh) was asked to suggest names of Moderate muslims to be honoured in the lists, and most of them were going for knighthoods, don't think he recommended anyone for peerage, but my moment was to suggest for Raficq Abdulla our resident poet writer impressario and wideboy the Order of Merit. He was a bit miffed later when he came in what's an Order of Merit everyone else is getting a knighthood, until I began to wax lyrically as was my wont and not to everyone's taste at the Muslim College, but you would be the first to be elevated to the Order of Merit, reserved for poet laureates and white people, and if you really want a knighthood just wait a few years and you'll get one for being raised to the Order, check it out on the interweb I had said. That reassured him. Ah but alas that was but my brief brush with power, and occasionally I got a little carried away as when congratulating the local MP on his ennoblement (when he was made a knight) I was tinking he is the nobliest roman etc but though he was suspicious he tanked the good doctor for his congratulatory letter.

Now I must to LOTRO to begin again as they say in meditation, then I shall probably hand the mess over to my expert who will sort things out very quickly or it will drag on for months. Which leads me to suspect there is something very matrixy about life and I think Savitri may be on to something. Oh well that didn't quite work I think I'll leave that till monday when the chappies reply to me about another password or something.

Oh and I have realized. I think I should stay in Kottayam for five years but only to provide a fixed abode for debit card purposes. Then I should explore Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam I never fought in that war so my conscience is clear, then I could head to Laos. Learn some esoteric sitting position on which to do my meditations. I mustn't get very ill, or too old, or the other things. And I like to plan, once i have the average white mac book I can start planning these visits.

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