Sunday, November 15, 2009

The end of the world and miscellaneouses

So I knew Olive and me would fall out over a woman, of course he says, how could he brush me off so lightly. And today the papers tell me, that Benedict the XVI the supreme pontiff head of the Universal Church is described pop pickers at Pope No 111 as Glory of the Olives is this too much of a coincidence how could St Malachy or the later forger know that Olive and I would fall out over a woman some day, reminds me of that scene where you know the Beautiful Mind person has gone completely doollally but it's only just beginning to make sense to him. He just got messages from aliens in local papers. I am getting the truth written about my very own life betrayals and possible loves from a genuine sixteenth century Latin forgery although I am beginning to believe that the world is only really 47 years old. Even if there was a theoretically necessary worlde older than 47 years it can hardly be that interesting outwith me in it.

But this means that the next one will be Petrus Romanus the Anti-Christ and will herald the end of the world, so there's no time to lose. Although as a meteorically rising superstar of the Syriac Scholarly worlde I have plenty of free time. Ah I think I caught on to Flavia Gemina Obstetrix Canteloupa Livia. This is just like the scene at the end of Gorky Park, where I says to the General but there is more I have discovered a plot that leads to the Kremlin and beyond. That will be all Commissar. But you don't understand Sir, I believe I have discovered a conspiracy involving high ranking officials of our own, THAT WILL BE ALL Commissar. Ah well never mind, once again the rising star of the Syriac Scholarly worlde has got too close to the truth and now they wish to sideline me. Perhaps I was only meant to report on the alternate theory of how the vases are made not by attaching white glass to blue as the vases are still cooling and then chipping away to perfection but all together using moulds.

There is the usual arson of villages, one by a mob because the owner of a hostel murdered someone so they burnt the place down in the middle of town. One by redevelopers who burnt away a village of 300 for redevelopment. A social commentator complains that he hates returning from NYLon homes because even though they have a recession there they still respect money. Here if you don't actually work for the Government as a VIP or VVIP you get to the airport and have to struggle with taxis and autorickshaws (or in my case buses only problem there is finding where the bus stop is, though sometimes they organize bus shuttles to bus stops). Did I say they will stop all the traffick in a city so the PM or assistant vice deputy assistant minister can get to the Lok Sabha on time. Some guy died of kidney failure because the ambulance couldn't take him to the hospital while the PM was visiting so after several hours delay he died of complications. The PM apologized and all. But dude you haven't figured out you are there to serve the people because he isn't. He is there to make as much money as he can before he loses the election, just like the others. The BJP are sort of tearing each other apart in Karnataka. But that on it's own isn't sufficient for them to lose the next election.

Thing is will that elderly german being fed and nurtured in the west outlive the Meitei Shaman/Poetess in solitary in a secure war of a hospital force fed gunge through a tube. Though by her own reckoning she prefers the gunge they give her back in Manipur. While she was forcefed in Delhi people might have been a lot nicer to her but they don't know didly squat about force feeding. Gave her milk based gunge with vitamins minerals and tings to prevent constipation not roughage the other things. Trick is if you are going to be even tortured and abused and the prison officials want to keep you alive it's always better to stick closer to your home town.

Meditation was a wash out today. Just a mild depression will observe it wafting over and then dispersing with equanimity. One of the Syriac scholars whom I don't rate, Sunny the Canonist decided to make his move on me last evening at dinner. I think he is still annoyed about my shouting at him for suggesting I shouldn't rock the boat with the whole canonical investigation thing. Anyway I prefer silence at dinner these days. The Syro Malankaran monk chats to me about mobiles, I reject them as the work of the devil then Sunny chimes in he has no connection with God why can't you get on with the only brother. Once conversation progressed and I had worked out he meant biological in London not religious here and after suggesting that he really needed to learn more about confidentiality and then more directly that he was pissing me off and it was only his poor English that allowed him to continue so ignorantly but he claimed he was only trying to restore peace so I moved to there is no Blessed are the Arseholes in the Beatitudes father let's continue this in private if you really want. Finally I think I made headway and he said I am offending you. Yes but not to worry I do it all the time and I am not in Hell yet I don't think. And he promised it was a closed book. But I assured him that we would surely find other ways to piss each other off. Community life eh.

So I figure Dezie you progress better on your own. Cut the Syriac classes till January when they promise advanced advanced classes and the beginners classes I can use as revision. Get yourself a copy of listening to locusts. Enjoy Kandy at the Queen Hotel. A lot cheaper than a Jesuit retreat house in Wales and why would anyone spend 2000 squid on a month in Wales again. And then there is Malayalam before bedtime. Oh and at some point try and get tickets for the Alchemist next Sunday.

So plan is leave for Lanka 7th with some lankan rupees. Get to Kandy stay at the Queen's. Next day apply for visa for six months to India. If I get it then I am covered till June. April I leave for SEERI in Kottayam. Start the certificate course or at least do the exams. Before June nip over to Lanka again get a basic 2 year student visa extendable to 5 years. Well over 100 more books to get for my ghost sister, time to sort out a long term future for the Lambadi shamaness daughter (and perhaps in the Woody Allen sense of the term) if I can not get involved in any other person's misery apart from the most highly favoured widow and her baggage as chosen by Fr Jose then all my plan requires is to continue my meteoric rise in the Syriac Scholarly worlde.

My mother used to annoy me by constantly reaching out to new friends sometimes ignoring the ones she had. I have an urge to send my St Thomas Cross and Sandalwood powder to the Director of the Robin Hood Bay Madonnah House, don't know her, will probably never meet her. I should rather send it to Fr Robin who helped my mother, or even Fr Vincent who won't need explaining what to do with Sandalwood. But I understand my mother. If they were such good friends why would they still need tokens. Tokens is for peeps who may one day be friends or whom you never meet again.

And perhaps Oliver meant of course he would publish the book if she wrote it but we both know the welcome stranger is already caressing her body and claiming it for herself, our true eternal lover, and there are limits to what you can contain in wordes, of course. Oh and Fr Jose just popped into library to announce he has the cheque from John the Just. Beauty I don't need to take more cash out for now I think but maybe I do. Money damned irritating allusion. Everything else has to wait it's turn.

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