Monday, April 19, 2010


So Admin Man named after our Saint he turns out really helpful today. I was hoping just to use an old letter they had given me but oh no he wants to do a new one taking it all seriously. So an hour later he comes up with a letter that is designed for the DSP foreign cell and about me. So all set have the docs in quadruplicated which admin man wants photocopied I had to restrain him to just the one. Indians need to find an alternative to paper. They already have if you ask the Chinese. So long as you can write on the stuff they sell it as paper. Though sometimes not always that easy to read after.

So yeah then I phone Manoj up and he says no tomorrow come tomorrow phone after ten. If it were up north I'd assume the man was waiting to be bribed.

So no more news on the strike action in Manipur but there have been ferocious storms. hey did you see the pictures of the icelandic one which it almost looks like they are saying will never end but we don't like to use words like never on international media outlets that could affect the financial world. Lightening clouds magma if it were Star Trek there would be an entity within trying to communicate with some species not ours and not having any luck. If the Republicans were in power they'd have tried nuking it already.

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