Thursday, August 20, 2009

Christian Ashram Today

Not certain after that. Spent the afternoon with my two temporary kids Rachel and Oliver. We met Madame Cyn the Dalit Womanist (she don't like feminist) had some Tiffin. She reiterated. And confirmed for me that there is a huge elephant in the room but whenever I complain about the mess I am told that we no longer have elephants in India and if I am just going to make unsubstantiated claims when they are in fact a world superpower with their own nuclear submarine (though technically it hasn't been fully commissioned yet not for another two years but that's not important).

I did think that I should not stay too long here. I am not at home when the hypocrisy becomes psychotic. I don't mind their telling me that they are rishis with direct communication to angelic or supramental beings, I am not opposed to psychosis per se. It's more there is no dalit gel being gangraped and beaten to death trust us we are priests and holy men. It's more that it's difficult to blot out the screams entirely from consciousness though after a while I surprise myself at how adaptable the human spiritual condition is.

No I think a change is better. If I ever learn a local language hope to fix first class tomorrow I can return to the villages, real India. A visit to the Mall yesterday it's like Ealing Broadway Mall only it's bigger and more modern and a charming young moustachioed turban geezer searches your bags for explosives on the way in. And they fumigate for mosquitoes outwith.

Apart from the whole elephant thing there are some good days. Definitely want to press on with Syriac. Dalit Movement is the India which fascinates though more Tribal but the Dalits seem to want to take the lead for now. I didn't mention the famine up North. Let's see what Congress does. They have enough stockpiles of staples to feed everyone. It's a first world nation after all with their almost ready nuclear submarine the INS Arihant. And Arihant by the way is a Hinyana/Teravadin enlightened one. Since there is only ever one Buddha then all others now aspire to become Arihants those who have destroyed the great enemies (Hatred Greed and Ignorance) not sure if nuclear weapons second strike facility is really what is meant by an Arihant but what do I know I am just a visitor, or as I put it a Roman Catholic of the Padroado of His Most Catholic Majesty we too are Hinjians.

Last official day with the gang. Am wearing my Lunghi, and very proudly too. I am aware that the only people to wear traditional dress proudly are foreigners concessitur otherwise it's worn coz you can't afford anything else or you wear blue jeans and Ts with witty aphorisms mispelt in American English. Fr John replied the Manuka Honey and CD arrived though the honey was no longer inside the bottle, the bottle having disappeared to be replaced mysteriously by broken shards of glass. Tried to contact Paul Fr with him I still have hopes that a Lancastrian will go there what say you to the Yolanda Gitanjali Applied Spirituality Fellowship beats going to Mahabalipuram for a stone angel with large bosooms in a dancing pose to exhibit more clearly her latent spirituality, mumsie was broad minded but the former was more her style. And I am not going to mention again that my brother took 1300 squid for an angel and new tombstone and by some mysterious mishap instead of the body going directly to heaven the tombstone, the angel and the money appear to have done so. The reason I don't mention it is so that you don't mention where I intend to get the money to set up this so called applied spirituality fellowship. Given that no one ever wants to see the gypsies it really is more about whether a fellowship must exist independently of its application or somesuch. Had that Kurian again on analytical philosophy and mysticism. Not my cup of chai. Much rather listen to some sisters singing, tribals dancing while reading Gitanjali under the shade of the local spiritual tree.

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