Sunday, August 16, 2009


Just took a look at the OCI. There is always the possibility that the Indian High Commission will not be very bureacratic. Full birth certificate is going to present a problem. I may have to visit Zanzibar for one I'll try with a Baptism certificate and hope it slips through on a heavy day. If they say no. I'll just go visit Zanzibar.

The other option is to study for the MA in Counselling Psychology because that's an accredited course and I can get a student visa for that. But it sounds grown up and something I could fail because I'll decide the lecturer is really stupid ignorant or unnecessarily pink. A little pink occasionally perhaps but always being pink is in many ways the opposite of pink. They'll just claim they have no idea what I am talking about.

That is why I think I shall be better off with the Diploma in Formation Spirituality and Counselling. That's just a mass, a bit of chatting, the odd exam on something really easy like compare six modern approaches to Counselling, Freud, Beck, Ellis, Maslow, Adler, I mean easy or what. 3 essays in 90 mins they aren't looking for anything in too much depth. And I can then join in the MA classes for next term in the various Order Spiritual formations, Franciscan Carmelite Jesuit and one other can't recall. That I'd enjoy. Cousins are beginning to get on my tits as my new Lancastrian friends soon to pass away would say. There is greed and there is taking the piss.

Then again either they let me stay here for the next few years for the princely sum of 700 pounds per six month term or I come home with furious anger. And either works for me.

The course is now winding down. I have gained two daughters and a son who means well but is probably going to be a screw-up and an underachiever. He will probably end up being my favourite, not coz he is a boy, it's not like that. Maybe be it's all pretty much subconcious these things so how can anyone really know.

Two short lectures today and tomorrow. Then a definite wind down. I hope I can return to Syriac and messing about in the library. Fr Jose had mentioned sending me on a retreat at the Christian Spirituality centre. But I think that will be like here outwith a library or Syriac lessons. I have decided to offer the whole come to England thing with a new twist first anonymously then through the DVK as a new pilot Applied Spirituality Course. But I figure when I had them all here in India and it was just a train journey away for which I was happy to pay there and back they still all thanked me and made their excuses.

I have no idea why I am the only person to love these gypsies and want to see them and then stay with them it's the third part which stumbles.

Bit of a downer since after Guru-ji. Ah well got Pondicherry to look forward too. That's working out. I have a rrrrroom from 17 Oct. Will leave for Colombo on 21 October. Have a ten day meditation course near Kandy. Then on 2 November I return, where will depend on Trustees attorneys and of course the Will of God. I don't forsee any problems but then if I did I'd probably handle them better.

Think I have come to terms with that woman but it's probably just a passing insight that will fade when the next attachment emotion returns I must practice Patanjali's Yoga sutras more attentively. Oliver was right. They are the key.

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