Friday, August 28, 2009

Theory and Practice

So Cyriac the elderly professor knows it is talk. I offered the short observation that the model of Word - Body, that God so loved us, with all his being, with all he has with all he does, a love that inspires us to love him with all our being, possessions and deeds, a love crucifying us upwards to the Father and sideways to God's people, by their right not our generosity, well transferred to the vow of obedience is very inspiring. Those with the knack listen to the body to discern the Word. But once we move to St Paul the Superior is the head the community the body. The husband is the head the family the body it moves from a religious truth to a political fudge. The metaphor derives from the Roman Republic a Senator's attempt to quell early rebellion just as the Vedas subdued lower castes and dalits/tribals via their legend. The Brahmans are born from the head, Kshatriyas from the chest, the traders from the arms and the Shudras from the feet. He accepted the point. But what was more interesting is later on. Several priests and nuns started saying but in community the Superior makes a decision then has the discussion. Or he asks for our advice and then tells us you discern I decide. This we pass on to the Parish. So yes a change in consciousness is required true metanoia. A higher form of thinking. And it has not yet come not to the Church not to Humanity. It is now and not yet. Ah well.

At least they talk openly here. They are all pgs and no longer worry about being kicked out of the seminary before they become ordained. I have my ticket to visit Sri Lanka to renew my visa. Still waiting for news about who of the many people managing my money on my behalf wants the honour of paying the 700 pound fees. Sometimes if you want something done it's better to do it yourself. Don't know about you guys but I don't see any benefit in my handing over any more funds to anyone to invest for me. I have nothing against the theory because everyone says it's my money just say how much you need and whenever I do ask, the last excuses were I can't be bothered with your request my mother-in-law is seriously ill (though she seemed in the perfect picture of health when I saw her a few days later), I am not taking requests from you because you are an emotional bully, tell him to learn to live within his means, now even the person I asked to ask for me is busy, but keeps telling me not to worry because he thinks they are coming round. Coming to round to what is the question he never seems to answer.

Now peeps I appreciate this whining over things that do not really exist, that in so far as they do exist belong to God by right not to anyone else, and if push comes to shove, I just return home, take control of my own assets in my own name and then if they really want to try and outlive me to take possession of my inheritance, good luck to them. If I run out of cash I get a shyster to recover what's mine. And if I don't I have enough of my own sins and failings to worry about, nothing was mine, nothing I have given was mine, nothing I have done was mine. Best not to boast of holiness or complain about sinfulness. We end up being crabs in a bucket.

Oh but I have identified a most beautiful Syriac Grammar 30 pounds sterling paperback in the West. If they can get it here it will be 300 rupees.

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