Sunday, February 28, 2010

In a week

They have to release and rearrest her. What usually happens is she is greeted by a small crowd of manipuri meira paibi some of whom will have been on a serial hunger strike in sympathy, there are a couple of campaigns coinciding with her birthday on 14th by which time they will have rearrested her. The problem if they don't rearrest her is that her health will gradually deteriorate. I think there is some kind of moral theological casuistry argument which goes something like you still have to demand her freedom because they are arresting her on trumped up charges. Ideally the order would be repeal of AF(SP)A 1958 then she ends her hunger strike and then they have no further grounds for arresting her and detaining her outwith trial. The problem with putting her on trial is that she clearly isn't attempting suicide it's a hunger strike.

I am not clear of the arguments but the problem with colluding with evil if it achieves some short term good is you end up saying yeah sure you can rape and torture her a little if you promise to feed her occasionally and keep her alive. It doesn't make sense. What you demand is that she be given the same rights guaranteed under the Indian constitution that supposedly apply equally to all citizens regardless of race creed or caste yeah oh ok but that's what you keep focussed on. Anyway it's not as if this is a dialogue.

We demand freedom justice and all these fine values and they do what they think pragmatically they can get away with. I am not really sure what their motivation is or if they always are aware of it. These places are being reforged as hell holes, deliberately and planned. It isn't just happening accidentally. And the reason is if you are just motivated by short term gain by greed, then you end up setting some amazingly stupid ways of cheating everyone. The Government of India needs to grow up step up nut up stop pretending it's out of their hands.

Repealing AF(SP)A 1958 would make government troops paramilitaries and police commandos responsible for their actions, it might take the gloss off the 15 lac bribe a man has paid to get the post of SI in the police commandos but that's business. All bribes involve some kind of risk. Why can't they just do what they did in northern ireland. Stop the violence and profit comes. Stop the violence and loads of ferengi businessmen turn up and everyone gets a cut. What they don't want is load of Russian or Chinese mafia turning up because they don't a long enough view of profit to provide the everyone with their cut. What is it with the eastern mafia types, sustainable growth is the buzzword here. Get with the programme.

Anyway that's enough thinking on the unedible. She is released, then they rearrest. At least I will know where she is. I am going to try visit her on my return. I have to find a legit tourist agency as they are the only ones who can issue a visa to visit manipur, they arrested some Jap tourist a few weeks back. You can't just drive in and book yourself into an hotel. For now life is simple. She does her thing they arrest her. I learn Syriac. I am 48 I figure I got at least another 20 years of life to live and I quite like slow build ups. I am not fast but I am true. And in a gunfight everyone realizes in the end it's not about being fast but about being true.

I could fast with her if they decided just to release her and see what happens. I think I'd last a month at least before going into a coma. They'd probably kick in then. If meaningfulness is more important than taking pleasure from life. It certainly focuses life onto one meaning. I don't think fasting to death is really as romantic as anyone might think if anyone thinks that way. I guess it's more tiring, sort of like freezing to death but warmer. I just have to go visit her for a while I may be some time sort of thing. Is anything really romantic when you actually do it. Everybody dies. And you choose how you die by the way you live.

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