Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seven Year Plan

So first part of the plan I will receive a letter today. Ok usually with plans better to rely on stuff you can do intrapsychic stuff yeah but only for wester rationalist choice based but anyway first the letter which obviously could change everything but probably won't even if it does come.

So then First part of the seven year plan is the two year plan. M A Seeri, I make money so long as I don't work. Odd that but that's how it is for now. Not much money but I'll probably start losing money if I start working too soon.

So after the two year plan. I think it's simpler to press ahead with a three year plan. The PhD at SEERI, now I appreciate westerners don't really rate eastern PhDs a translation of an hitherto unknown text into English with footnotes and my my don't I talk perty if I want to so yeah can do that. And I quite like the idea of translating something I'd be interested in adding footnotes and not be hamstrung by what a bunch of ignorant dead white folkes said about it bloody orientalists. Oh excuse me for being so unscholarly you white racist imperialist scum language desi.

Then the third part of the seven year plan might involve working at that point might be able to earn more money then I spend in working and I'll have five years pretty much left to do my thang and not really being a burden on anyone. Plus should get to travel around the area maybe north first Nepal then Burma bound to be able to see Manipur and the seven sisters in that time.

That's the plan I can't see a viable escape plan emerging from the astrology chart and I can't read the political scene I haven't seen enough bollywood or local soap opera to really get my finger on the pulse. That's the plan and maybe build up for our next incarnation. Though if she is released well that works too. Just throw away the plan.

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