Friday, January 15, 2010

Revised Rupee Prediction

It's like that scene from 2012, we have based all our planning on your calculations and now you are saying your calculations are wrong. Rupee looks like it will hit 73 by end of next week. It's currently at 74.36 but it looks like it's gonna drop now. Certainly looking at 1 day or five day charts so drop over the short term. But on the three month chart still hasn't showed as downturn, that chart is still heading upwards. In the long term we are all dead. And things level our in infinity.

So yeah I looked at my CV I think I can make myself look ok on paper. Now I had felt cheated a lil bit not getting that whole Chartered Pyschologist thing but if there is one thing worse than a screw up and an underachiever it's a overachieving screw up. I'd then really be far too overqualified to do anything apart from the things for which I had insufficient experience. It's actually quite a good thing that my highest degree remains the BA otherwise all these part qualifications would just make me look bad.

And screw that nurse, I am not even sure if I like her. I really must stop projecting all the finest romantic qualities from hollywood legend and mills and sodding boons influenced novels onto strange wimin I don't know. It really is not a good idea. Please I want everyone to listen here. It's never worked out to be true, and I've got to stop the whole put everything on 36 black because it's bound to come up once if you keep doing it, in theory yes. But no. Stop it.

So once I have some money I am going to buy my tickets to Nepal only 15000 rupees which is still a couple of hundred squid but I am already here why head back into the great freeze and do what in London exactly. Nope head to Nepal go work in an office I have convinced myself this isn't just Nepalese flattery from Bhupi-ji he actually thinks I am experienced enough to work in any of their projects and since they tend to attract earnest hippie earth mother school leavers actually I probably am.

Odd how you can accrue so much work experience over the years just by getting to be 47. It all seems to add up when you look back. And screw that nurse. Actually she helped. I had far too much spiritual pride and belief that I was on a spiritual journey, my arse, leave that to the effing hippies, I am confused pissed off and very irritable but doesn't mean I can't do some admin work and typing for their office in Katmandu. And that is me, ok it's twenty years on and I am still hoping to do low level admin work for a office in the voluntary sector, but this time it's in Katmandu. I can't even spell Katmandu and they'll try teaching me basic Nepalese. It would be so handy to know the words, my children the people with me are our sworn enemies kill them now before they suspect, and then flee for your lives. but I guess they'll start with Hello. Doubt I'll manage to say that convincingly so which language are you speaking again. Heelow, Hurrah Harry, Hull I said Hello are you taking the piss.

Yeah and I probably dont' want to beat some long term disability into the cousins, nah I just want to travel around the far east more and perhaps do a Masters in Syriac at Kaslik Saint Esprit in the Lebanon. If I got really lonely I could get a Parrot but they tend to bite some sort of animal might be the thing for once I settle. Maybe Pondichery as a Syriac Teacher. Let's see how long I live first eh.

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