Sunday, September 20, 2009


I knew you would understand me, that is why we are friends. And just working up to my request O R might be a little overfamiliar with the Lord of all, the holy mighty the holy immortal one, but in a sense by analogy and with reference to the Scholastic view that Intentionality is the key to Ontology, you say the tetragammaton as you might say to a young debutante while holding her firmly having waltzed onto a Juliet Balcony, "Now I am going to kiss you and I am going to kiss you very hard." not just with cuttingly clipped vowels, consonants sharp as Gurkha blades but with passion and intensity and if she doesn't burst out laughing returning to the Tetragammaton the very world might burst into flames what what, and when it comes down to it I never bought into the rather platitudinous oversimplistic cover story that sometime in the seventh century people forgot how to pronounce Hebrew so the Masoretes invented vowel points. Same thing happens to Syriac, from Estrangela no vowel points we get vowel points in East and West Syriac. Now I am not suggesting an alien invasion, or some secret code embedded into vowel points that revealst the twoo meaning etc oh no sir. I am saying, do I look like I fell off a Xmas Tree. For thousands of years you expect me to believe no one has any problem pronouncing HebrewAramaic Syriac outwith vowel points and then suddenly in the seventh century there is a spontaneous Alzeimer's Dementia that only affects people of middle-eastern origin as regards their script. And let's not start blaming the CIA coz the evidence for a pre-Masonic CIA frankly.

Anyway this is the thing, I wrote to Fr Jose as I had said I would, the man is a star. He replied that he did not feel able or something like that to help with my request (to help rescue the Princess). But he will press on with OCI for me. Which means I can help her on me own once I figure out how the buses work here. That young Luke Skywalker never knew how lucky he was with his own chauffeur driven Meridian Falcon. If he had to rely on public transport he would never have made it to the Death Star.

Anyway so plan B meanwhile. I have written to President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Singh. I am going to send them a copy of Burning Bright Irom Chanu Sharmila's story. And ok maybe the Liberation Theologian had a small point. So the British began the decline in the once princely state, divide and conquer, setting up long term vendettas between the hill and valley tribes, and gradually turning a self-sufficient economy into one designed to provide for an external colonial power. But that's no excuse for India taking on the role of the British and completely screwing over the country. India has ruled Manipur and the North East for the past 60 years. Anyway he had a small point. But although I condemn natural parents who abuse their only child for two years, I don't believe that gives the foster parents any excuse for torturing and murdering the child once she is in their care.

So the plan next was to write to my cousin Uncle the Archbishop of Calcutta, Cousin-Uncle means no relation at all and please don't embarrass me by pretending we are family. However I figure I could write to him. That's when I realized how old everyone else is. My Uncle Wolfie, the once head of the family, now very frail. He is 80. Retired judge if I had been a decent Injun I would have arranged to fly over for his 80th party last Sunday but I didn't. So anyway I thought why don't I ask my cousin-Uncle the Archbishop of Calcutta if he would inquire of the Indian Government after the health of Irom Chanu Sharmila. In order to remind him I am his cousin-nephew I would relate the humourous and therefore slightly scandalous tale of how when he was a mere Bishop in the 1980s whenever he would return home to his blood family, he would swear like a trooper. Why well to let them know he hadn't changed. And they were all proud of his essential holiness etc. But me brat that I was, becuase he didn't know they had a stranger among them, I was schocked outraged Sir, and told him that it wasn't right, it wasn't good enough, pure cowardice, surely his family would know outwith etc. And I felt he should make a public apology for his private behaviour else he was a hypocrite.

I have never outgrown my brathood. He did so that next Sunday mass explaining what he had been doing whenever he returned home and vowing never to swear profanities again. Problem is he is 83 now and an Emeritus Archbishop. I have no idea how to get in touch with him. His Sister Diana married Iggy Pereira, whose sister married the brother of my mother. Only in India would that give me any rights to embarrass him.

So plan C but don't take this badly if you read this far. Is can you do something magickal for Sharmila, Irom is her family name and I think Chanu is some kind of title. I do wonder why we act in the world since it is unfolding as it should and our interference will only likely screw things up further. But if you have a chance to see her, there are films on the Web, she is so tiny and beautiful. Just as pure mythology, she is the sleeping beauty. I am that green ogre or the donkey or something. So tiny and frail.

Obviously if I were God or the President or something like that. I should repeal the Armed Forces shoot to kill and we wont' charge you Act. Because it is symbolic. If an Indian wants to shoot a poor person he shoots them. Why do you need a separate act protecting you from the law it's your law, your judges. Then I would give her a position in the upper house. Or she could stand election for State CM or just do the Ghandi-ji thing and give spiritual advice to the people. The place is a caricature of India. They believe there is oil natural gas and Uranium of all things under the earth. If that's true then if history is any judge it will not be possible to save the people.

What do you think O R. The beauty of magick, high magick, real magick is that the apparent details though of interest to crossword compilers,

We have
1) A beautiful frail princess of ten thousand years stowed away in an impregnable fortress, hospital gaol in Imphal the capital of Manipur, nine hills surrounding a valley can't miss it.

2) No economy to speak of, loads of money pumped into NGOs, Drug runners, Separatists, Armed forces, Police. Homo homini lupus. A hobbesian society before the social contract.

3) I think the best scenario if we could manage it is for her, Irom Chanu Sharmila to be brought into pure Existence, dreamless sleep, what the Iatrophanes call a coma, have her maintained on many machines that go beep until the end of the Juga of Kali.

Once I get the OCI I will have constitutional rights and I shall go visit her and her country. Who knows it may not really exist it may be pure myth. If that were true and she is not real then I really must meet her.

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