Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gitanjali le Petit Prince and Syriac Studies to Infinity and Beyond

So I got a copy of Gitanjali and the Gardener. If you understand Indian and I repeat this only in that context she may be the reincarnation of Meera Bai who was a 16th Century mystic of the prema Bhakti tradition in Rajastan. A norther complement to the Tamil tradition. If she is the good news is Meera Bai lived till she was 67 which gives her thirty more years.

I have ordered the Little Prince and I have a novel by Rabindranath called Yogi something anyway I am gonna read it and send them both on. But now to serious work. Sunday week I shall be on the night train to Nellikuduru. I have some simple text books for the kids with gold star stickers they were on sale at Landmark. A few bible story books, and I know this is so wrong and anti-feminist but there is the Indian Avatar of Barbie in a sari and I am going to get it for Manjulah Bhai my sponsee. And a couple of punch and shoot airplane and missile things, no not necessarilly for boys, and I am pretty sure there would be at least one gypsy boy who would prefer the Barbie, why are you picking on me.

I must hit the grammar book now. All I have to do and this is gonna sound really easy. Is memorize a few personal pronouns. And then write them down a few times for practice. Once I have done that move on to demonstrative and relative pronouns I am aiming for the first test Saturday. That's not too tough and will still be fun. Healy's test within his book.

Roger Burggraeve wrote back. I was right about him he said my email had made him think. Wished I had caught him at DVK before he left term has started he is very busy and recommended a book to read next for Levinas. Keen students will eat that man alive. That's the thing with really spiritual people they all offer their body and soul to be broken and eaten, whereas I am more a pastry or today Halwa kind of guy. For a horrid moment there I thought I had missed lunch but no I ate that too. Tiffin in 15 mins yippee.

So the kids here maybe don't think by talking aloud but all the Levinas books apart from an intro by Davis are on loan. I bet if I actually did get one of them to speak about Levinas they'd have something really interesting to say. It's always the quiet ones.

Ne'er mind got an intro to Hegel, Adorno on the Jargon of Authenticity which I hope will be fun, in a taking the mickey out of existentialist jargon kind of way but by a grown up, oooh the Heidegger Controversy source text book was he or wasn't he in his own words, and a textbook on Women and Spirituality so there, but the Barbie in her Sari was so pretty.

So I figure I am really a Syriac Scholar, just at present possibly the most ignorant Syriac Scholar who claims the title of Syriac Scholar, but I feel good about life. That's it talking to the Liberation Theologian again Fr Arputham the Miracle Man and he was saying all very well but you can't just hide away, true spirituality is always life enhancing, and that's when it struck me, our Irom Sharmila Chanu, there is hope there I feel. And if I manage to find a parallel between her Meera Bai and some Syriac texts of any age, there is my PhD just waiting to be written up.

Oh yeah my brother and John the Just are selling the house, so I am not going to give myself a hard time on buying a few books and a barbie doll. I thought a lot about my mother. If she helps me with my new obsession be worth a lot more to me than more money. My son the Syriac Scholar she will say in the kindom of heaven too right ma'am.

1 comment:

  1. Some sort of map of your perambulations both physical and mental would be useful. Say hi to the orphans from me. Use that tenner you never gave to the French saint to buy them something nice.
