Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Alchemist

It was quite fun. A bit disney or Lloyd Webber. But it's not been a good script for me, I really need a playwright to tell me not to follow my dreams, to settle as the wise amurkans put it, and definitely not to go chasing after any more women of the desert or looking into their eyes or hearing their voice carried by the scirocco or brought more forcefully by the monsoons. Oops too late.

Oh the Dharmaram version of a man for all seasons, apparently not as good as previous years offerings. It had a decent dance number. One good song. But no fight scene which for me let it down very badly and if you call that attempt at killing Sir Thomas Moore while he was waging war against the Scots (definitely said Edinburgh several times though the map seemed more of a splodge) well he was killed off very quickly by Sir Thomas' bodyguard before he achieved final victory (a sort of anti-braveheart) well that wasn't good enough. I liked the special effects of the spider and butterfly in the lightening storm at the beginning and the psychedelic serpent (no flash photography at these times appreciated) but they also missed an opportunity when Madge (one of his daughters) returned King Henry his ring for when she sang for him (the big pata pata number) because they could have had his drunken troops throw glass bottles on the floor and said he will live as long as you dance and what a fine Item dance number that would have been if a little derivative of Sholay (like that's a bad thing). And yet they still seemed to get the message across of defending the Roman Church against increasing secularism.

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