Monday, November 30, 2009

all gone

So they have exchanged contracts or are about to or something. I'll get some money. How much do I need. Well actually I did think about travelling around S E Asia. Seriously straight up. Obviously while pursuing the Syriac MA and preparatory courses. But it's not going to be that hard. Having an obsessive nature helps with dead languages, as I don't really have a language facility it's more a doggedness to the study of dead things. Thailand perhaps. Thing is what does one do when one travels.

It's a bit like the whole interweb surfing thing. I know there appears to be lots to be doing. Food might be nice. And strange meditation systems though I think maybe I'll digest the ones I know for now. Scenery is quite impressive. And of course the cultural misunderstandings and witnessing the evil of unmitigated poverty and the constant begging. And political unrest. Why do I want to travel again.

Well at least it means they won't have time to form a major dislike of me, though Jose says ah you just get a little passionate about ideas sometimes and perhaps if I could lighten up and accept vagueness and the indian style of holding opposites etc. I think travel might be easier.

So all set for Kandy. Plane then try out the ATM on arrival 20g should be enough for the visa and food and I still have a hundred dollar bill in reserve. Plan is arrive by bus take a rickshaw to the hotel. Next day start the visa thing. And then maybe phone Sir Joseph's relatives but not that keen on meeting strangers. Tooth temple then other temples, and whatever it has to offer but I quite like the idea of interwebbing pressing ahead with Syriac Texts, I hope to have finished Robinsons by then if only in outline. And start with Meiteilon. Don't appear to have too many letters that's always encouraging.

Oh yes and Pondicherry is again becoming attractive. Perhaps I could link it with the Lebanon where the medium of Syriac Studies is French, maybe a term at Holy Ghost in Lebanon or a few weeks to try it out then Pondicherry they have some guest houses for longer stays of up to six months. The mother's by the sea looks nice, next time I'll try the cottage guest house for a week. Always meant to try out the food there. And it's close to the Ashram complex I could see a few videos get the hang of the place.

I could always offer to teach Syriac at the Sri Aurobindo Educational place thing. Well glad got that out of the way. I don't like the idea of a house, you have to defend and protect it, in the end it owns you. But it's nice to have somewhere you can stay when life gets tough. If the money lasts then I am sure guest houses where I am known over the years will do.

Yes I am determined to marry Irom Sharmila C, if she maintains a correspondence with me and she doesn't die and we don't fall out, it seems a perfect solution, just not sure to what problem.

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