Sunday, November 15, 2009

All Set

Ah illusions this Vipassana never really took hold or not yet. Plan is next week say Wednesay purchase new White Book, 56900 rupiyah all in. Get a fixed deal for one week at the Queen's hotel in Kandy with an option to take a second week at the same rate. Then get visa, return to DVK to clean room a little and make sure pigeons have vacated. Give key to Fr Jose, plus a little extra for the cleaning team though at least the pigeon kids seem to be pooing onto a cloth left for them might be not too bad a clean up. Then to Goa for Xmas. Then SEERI from the New Year. I don't think I've forgotten anything, yeah yeah, princess of clouds still needs to be taken care of, ghost sister mustn't die but life seems almost manageable now I almost have a MacWhiteBook and two weeks at a colonial style hotel in Kandy overlooking a lake and the tooth temple. Damn you capitalism what good is spirituality and prayer against the glamour of consumerism and instant delight.


  1. They say (who?) that when the ego feels threatened by an imminent breakthrough in meditation it will do all it can to convince the sitter that it's all a waste of time and he/she would be much happier playing in the world of maya. Maybe the ego's right. Who am I to say..

    Mr O. Much Maligned Master of Mundane Meditations


  2. Spiritual people and I include you in this lot 5M ask for a lot to be taken on trust. Luckily for now I don't appear to have that much to do until I do get to Kandy or at least next week when I may with wreckless abandon and because as that multinational corporation headed by a boomchickalick puts it I am worth it well I can and shall return to meditation. I figure I have a good hour before Ramsa, then back to the routine, shovelling snow. It's not so much a feeling that a breakthrough is imminent just that all this tunnelling is bound to lead to somewhere soon. Though it is helpful if you can divorce hope from reason they also say. toodlepip then quick hour meditation before ramsa if i have any visions I'll be sure to pass them on psychically.
