Wednesday, November 11, 2009

further evidence of vibratory change

So today after posting a deacon starts the widow conversation. So I repeated three times I do not want any woman to become hurt, with a finish and I do not want to be hurt. I offered him Jose as my matchmaker director please refer etc. But he feels I should take direct responsibility and anyway he has already contacted a widow from his village about me.

Hmm I figure hurt a widow and an orphan it's a biblical offence that cries out to heaven for vengeance, whereas remove the balls and eyes from a deacon tops it's a pontifical tribunal of conscience at the Vatican just need a good canon lawyer and I'll be let off with a large fine and a rap on the knuckles. It took a few repetitions to let the lad know that I was serious and we both agreed since he really wanted to stay in a monastery that he wouldn't miss his balls and his eyes, though it would put an end to his plans to study Syriac.

I really must do something about my himsa in language. I think what really upset the bods at TVU was how rude I can be in email. I am pretty sure mind the thing with making an application on the grounds of fundamental and inalienable human rights is that the rights are fundamental and inalienable to rude people just as to polite, like the rain and the other stuff that falls from our Father in heaven. Plus I got them to send in a forgery. That's always a good thing even if no one actually believes me. If only I kept some paperwork. If they knew how disorganized I was they could say we have checked our records and in fact we never sent Mr Coutinho an acceptance letter at all case closed. But I feel my vibratory mentale vitale may be vibrating differently.

I remember first time at college, I mustn't allow the game of love to be become anything other than a pas de deux. And of course I meant metaphorically when I said balls and eyes. What would a mistreated widow possibly want with a deacon's balls and eyes. I will give her justice, no need to thank me ma'am.

And now to purchase another half kg of pure ghee lados as prescribed by my personal sri aurobindo aryuvedic physician.

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