Monday, November 23, 2009

Superstition aside

Basic vanila newbie M101 Spiritual Direction first day they tells ya. Don't look for signs, don't ask for signs, forget all the stuff you heard about signs. You will end up infantilizing and not developing. Signs are always seen on the inside. Bit like the true face has no features.

And never follow anything with But follow it with And we are Caflicks. But what if you really mean But.

So after swearing my expert to the pledge of Odysseus and the Sirens, I will on-line lotro no more forever. And having made my aspiration to try out the Maestro for the entire amount of the notebook I meet Fr Jose for evening prayer (not enough time to check email beforehand but he had sent one) he hands over loads of dosh. I have sufficient in reserve with him for DVK accommodation till Xmas, and SEERI at least for a few months. And about 31k rupees and 100 USD. All I have to do now is persuade the little machine to take the rest of the Maestro (and on a good day I could almost get that all from an ATM in one go) and I should leave a rocknrolling manager, roadie and impressario of the new average white mac notebook, I am Macnotebook of the clan macnotebook we have walked secretly among you and I have come for ya quickening.

All the Universe wanted it would appear is my assurance that I should not spend hours of my time tapping the keyboard frenetically pretending to form guilds and fellowships with like minded adventurers? growing in stature daily with gods and men, it would be more honest to kick back just short of the Himalayas and smoke dope for a few years. And I would have far more fun spending the subs on a quirky soft porn site, but I don't think she would approve and she would know even if she doesn't. Being an overromantic unworldy obsessive is just like being married, and also nothing like being married.

The other thing I noticed is it should be fairly easy to get OCI but if I had got it I would just have stayed in India if only in cheap hotels where they supplied broadband. I feel also the Universe is pressing me not to take OCI for now.

And you may mock or not but standard M102 theory states that if you feel depressed withdrawn do not pass go do not receive 200 pounds go directly to but if you feel at peace outward looking liberated, well then the discernment is to be trusted. I know it's not rocket science, if anyone says it's secret knowledge too dangerous for newbies you should extend to them unlimited compassion for one who has not yet completed their journey.

So apparently last month was Ningol she might get the parcel she might not but this next parcel must be for Xmas. This is the thing. I really am into Sri Aurobindo. Because he held to sprituality in politics in the world. Like Gandhi-ji only more spiritual. Plus he seemed to withdraw from politics and meditated in Pondichery.

She is in chrysallis. She has changed the universe. I am not exaggerating. The siddhis are impressive but usually you say oh so you can stay underwater for nine hours on one breath and you haven't eaten anything for five years and you can sleep on a bed of burning charcoal, truly amazing and how does this help climate control again. But with her it's lived selflessness. She lives a simple life. Redirects financial awards because her family too don't want things. Aurobindo called Industrialization European Asuric energy. India could adopt it but it would bring with it all its evils. She was taught by her granny not to take more than she needed of anything. Even the books once she has read them either get passed onto friends or end up in Manipur State Library. So it doesn't matter if she writes books or not. It's the spaces between the words. The ruby silences.

That's it. She has found the answer. I am pretty sure if I could meditate past the hour instead of quitting every half to three quarters but the thing is I do stay still for those times. That's the first step. Eventually God takes an interest.

This is the thing with superstition and Skinner. He feeds a pigeon corn at random intervals. The pigeon starts doing a weird dance repetitively because Skinner states it believes that there is an external God force that is giving it food and the dance is the way of attracting the God's attention. The pigeon was half right. It just never found a way to attract the God force's attention because it assumed the dance was working. Bit like happy feet. So I am a pigeon and she is a penguin. Well we both begin with the letter P and various other compatibilities.

Yes this is the thing. Manmohan has promised again to revise the AF(SP)A it's before cabinet now for review. Now I figure he can't say after fifty years they made a mistake. So they will never repeal it. But if they took all the special powers out so that all that was left was the name. Would that be enough. But I don't have to worry it isn't Manmohan or me who will tell her. It is God. Not in the superstitious way or maybe in the superstitious way.

The impossible part will soon end. Then comes the difficult part. There is one almight mess in the north east. Abject poverty, drugs, violence, gangs, militia, and half a century of dehumanizing. As Orson Welles put it all Switzerland ever produced was the cuckoo clock and chocolates.

If I am going to waste my time it will be in advancing as a Syriac Scholar and sending this one books. Oh for this month I was going for 100 years of solitude (because I always meant to read that one) one on Indira (because she is also known as the Iron Woman of India) and then an Asterix and Obelix (why not) and I'll ask Landmark if they'll let me have just the cartoon (I mean graphical novel) book on Meera Bhai if they say no say oh ok. (Don't want all 50 cartoons gns). And maybe the book by Burrgraeve I don't like carrying books and she might like it. She lives the book mind. Hey if she can actually write about the stuff and not just live it, this will be a find, just like that M Night Indian person the Naiad the elemental in the swimming pool I really liked it it was a fairy tale for children who can't grow up, I liked it ah if people don't like it more for me eh.

So a few more Syriac sentences. Then maybe a meditation. Tea and off to Imagination for the NAMcWB. I am content outwith being deliriously happy, which might have something to do with Vipassanic truth or well we only really know if the thing blows when charging or I forget it at a cafe in Kandy and insurance doesn't cover you for stupidity sir no.

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