Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Abolition of Checks

First when did it start being spelt that way, that's what they do before they get rid of you they mispell your name. Not happy about that, gonna have to work out some system involving small asians small handcuffs and titanium space age tough fabric suitcases that don't look all that special. Well my problem is not that I have loads of dosh it's more that it's too tempting because I tend to drop the stuff or leave it lying around and they aren't like apple seeds.

So Mrs Miggins had commented if she were dishonest well yeah I am sure I would have problems and yet unlike the rest of the characters here who are like the Major I try to settle my bills before I leave and pay for everything. But what troubles me more is what's it all about. Worst case I lose my dosh I die. New clothes fresh start reroll. But why. I shouldn't talk to people I know there's a couple across the hall, oirish gel not sure if she is protestant but she likes london maybe that's the fashion among the feenians now, and the hubbie or life partner actually life partner coz she complains he has no immigration rights in europe, from NZ. I'd much rather be a citoyen of NZ but there you go. She was giving me the standard lecture on all these foreigners who come to England and live lives of royalty while her poor brother pays taxes and is all sorts of trouble because he has lost his job (not to the foreigners then because we had agreed they come and scrounge) I think I must accept that these people are like creationists, they are exhibiting a faith response. If I did manage to persuade them with the evidence they'd just get very angry. Luckily I don't think I got angry. Why. We all got our problems. These two don't seem to have worked out yet completely that you won't be happy with more money. Well he seems to be on his way. I liked him fairly laid back dope smoking not sure what he does but he does it in Saudi. And she well that's the thing with women. Horror is I may end up with some piece of work like her and that might be one of the better scenarios. Actually that makes me feel better.

I don't got no oirish madwoman hater of the poor, they were slagging off servants earlier, father forgive them don't got a reason that's why you gotta forgive them. Wow relief I'll go watch one of the films and then Hell Boy 2 will almost certainly have completed it's download well as far as anydownload is ever certain. That should take me to afternoon tea coasting past lunch. I could go out with a priest or something but I'll only give a one sided lecture and he'll just be waiting for me to stop so he can ask for mo money.

Nah better off watching films in me room. Oh she did let me in on the tale of the stupid ities and the surf board but there's always more to stupidity than what you hear about.

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