Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I got taken to mass by one of Devika's friend/relative priest guy. He wanted to present his kids children of poor tea workers with some books. I guess I'm not too much in the mood for it. It's not the money it's why. I suggested maybe he could do something more self-sustaining standard stuff involve the women see what they want. But no he just wants to buy the books and prepare for move on. He hopes to get his own parish next year. I said once I had talked to my contact, that's Sir Joseph's nephew I'd get back to him. I had a few ideas none of which inspired him. One was well ok get the families to put some money towards the scheme and I'll multiply it by a huge amount. But he felt they were too poor. Why didn't he ask them what they wanted maybe they don't want books. He has raised 21 lacs which is a lot I guess over the past year to rebuild a church building, which looks nice. But my thing is well why didn't you ask the people what they would prefer done with 21 lacs maybe they'd have liked scholarships or a combine harvester I don't know it's supposed to be for them or is it to impress the bishop. I think I am allowed to be forthright because I might still give him some money and I haven't as yet. Well when I say no money. It's ridiculous he was going to pay the driver who took us down to the church and back. So 1500 rupees Sri Lankan which isn't very much. I don't mind appearing stingy but only really rich people never pay for anything. So far that Paul Father has helped. I suppose I could end discussion by saying that I would certainly pay for whatever I'd like a contract drawn up with particulars following canon 1300 protocols and there's no way he'll agree to that. But my son he'll say you must have faith you must trust me. I'll just respond I will but I'd like to be able to sue via the local diocesan tribunal and I want the case open and shut so that I'll win in advance. Apparently if I don't get all this stuff written down aforehand they won't even consider it. I have done this before father. But no need to upset the guy maybe I should just ignore his requests or take them under advisement or whatever the phrase is.

Oh and I am only 29 points away from level 2 in answers and my new superpower of being able to rate questions I wonder what level 3 brings.

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