Thursday, December 3, 2009

It won't work as a film

I really liked snow. I figured it out as much as I ever do. It's beautiful because it shows how Love can be destroyed by petty evil or petty goodness. People give torturers a hard time but there's a job to be done. Not everyone has the stomach for it.

So happiness isn't lost. It is'nt messed up. It's not even a betrayal. That's how the world works. The problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beanz in this crazy world of ours. But that's our hill and those are our beanz.

The East is far more attractive. It's like changing clothes. And for Brahman but a blinking of eyes. Oh yeah you could make it work as a film but you'd have to change the ending and that would really piss off the author. Give a man a nobel prize for literature and I promise you there's no way you are going to get a decent screen play out of him, not like the old days. To have and have not had two nobel laureates on the script team. But they were americans they understand business.

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