Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I took a fleeting look at privacy on the interweb, which guardian readers seem to think means is just for terrorists, russian mafioso and child abusers, but I associate more with that whole human rights charter thing which still tends to fwighten bureacracts in Blightey whereas here you have to have an important uncle-ji on speeddial. The problem is speed. If you really want privacy stay of the grid but that slows things down. Or you can try one of the many options to conceal your IP but that seems to slow the interweb down much more than dial up, the anonymous providers won't last for more than a few days or weeks but the software holds and that's the point of anonymity. It has the necessary intrigue but none of the speed to make it attractive enough to use.

I noticed a couple of episodes of Starhunter (I've only seen three takes too long to download 45 mins) Cappie Percy (Montana) mentions to the big fat ugly one you have been sending encoded messages, I am not going to have them decoded I respect your privacy but if they cause harm to anyone on the ship or the ship I will flush you out of an airlock. And later Marcus tells Caravaggio the computer that he wants to talk to his gel for a few minutes, so Caravaggio stops monitoring them. Unbearable lightness of being has that as one of the real evils of totalitarianism that there is no private communication in that state. Which is what the save the earth peeps were on about with the freedom of information thing. Doesn't excuse their lying and being stupid enough to get caught lying, and lying about something other than having an affair with one of their young fat interns because you are meant to lie about things like that, I mean how does telling your wife help anyone. Sounds more like gloating than honesty that. But they should have been able to talk bollox in private still.

But that is why in the good olde days we had gentlemen's clubs. When I say we I mean you white trash imperialist scumbags right on my man I is black I is. You meet for dinner dress up in strange clothes, have rituals and then talk about stuff as if you were home where you are allowed to scratch your balls fart and think aloud. Point is no one would quote you as talking seriously if you had a moose head on and your tryser legs rolled up to your knees, especially after that stuffed swan, turkey, goose... pheasant woodpigeon, the Japanese have that fish that can kill you if the poison glands aren't removed enough, and gentlemen's clubs have stuffed game birds that all cook and different speeds and times but are cooked together.

Oh yeah on privacy I determined best way to stay hidden is not to try to hide. One it slows everything down makes you a sitting target and you are far better swimming in the giant shoal like starlings. Though I did try a search for Meiteilon only a couple of useful sites to learn the letters and a few words, and one of my pages came up from here. I am asking for sites on the glorious interweb to learn more about Meiteilon because I don't know anything about Meiteilon and one of the web pages Googol recommended ok number 8 or 9 but still on page one because there was only one page was mine.

Who else talks about Meiteilon. Thing is it's one of the 197 endangered languages of India only vulnerable at present because millions of people speak it. No good once you leave Manipur so it will remain alive as long as poverty or now now, lack of development, by that I mean learning IT and setting up call centres to help the middle classes of Delhi and Mumbhai so people can complain I know they are from Manipur they are just putting on a Mumbhaikar accent you can catch them out if you try but they aren't allowed to say they are from Manipur. But they'd have to do something about the violence, drugs, rape, murder or perhaps some kind of broadband connection within walled heavily fortified villages the Manilla model for development in SE Asia or the Singapore Model which is just valley of the dolls rehashed.

So I am setting off again to the Mall, I know, but it's convenient and good quality, to get the 3D modern origami of the Tour Eiffel, a graphical novel of Meerabai that'll do and then I was going to write again to Sharmila Chanu. I wonder when it would be ok to stop calling her Lady Sharmila although it has it's charm. Lady Sharmila my name is Desmond M Coutinho and I am here to rescue you. I figure I'll ask her to write a Meiteilon poem in her next letter with parsing, that might be quite difficult though, not to explain parsing but to get it parsed. I really want to learn about her, but it's one of her poems, with a bit of help on parsing I think you can tell a lot about a person by their use of grammar, especially her own grammar. Did I mention she has a touch of the Shakira about her. It's the mixture of colourful expressive metaphors, yeah ok if she was a big fat ugly meitei war hero, I might not find the metaphors so winsome, but that's my point, the language reveals the person, just as the land of the Lord of the Rings emerged from the grammar of olde anglo saxon and the futhark of the northmen. Through the poetry I can construct my six entity extraction team, and I know I can learn dead languages. It's only when I have to speak them and then have to arrange meetings with living people that I have problems. She is a bit of a shaman being between the worldes and everything it's poifect for me.

I can ask. Otherwise all set for Lanka. Reminds me of the Lord Ravanna they don't like him up north, the normans but he never laid a finger on Princess Sita, but as soon as the Lord Rama gets her back that's when he twubbles start. They say Ravanna was described as a devil an asura mainly because his side lost. But Tamils don't speak Hindi or Sanskrit, I think they'd rather speak English but steady there not sure if that's true. We all have to speak English but no one hear would rather. That's the plan then.

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