Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Vatican and homosexuality

Ok so a retired Cardinal, I think at the age of 75 they are required to tender their resignation to the supreme pontiff who isn't allowed to retire himself, and then he gives them a title of honour and they go live in a convent somewhere or an home for retired cardinals catch butterflies, but this one something like Brannigan should have been Brannigan but he's from Mehico. He say Homosexuals and Transexuals according to St Paul will go to hell. How come the supreme pontiff when quoting from a mediaeval text says that Islam is an evil etc but he was only quoting from an obscure document well ok he did apologize later saying it's not me it's this other guy who said it, but yeah St Paul does say stuff like that. He really is into hair length fashion and sexual mores. So anyway Frederico Lombardi and that's a made up name for sure, vatican spokesperson, what the hell is that. What happened to pronouncements from the Sacred congregation for whatever, what happened to he is a Cardinal (rtd) so you need at least another Cardinal (rtd) to respond, and he said well it's not so much homosexuals who will end up in hell as people who perform homosexual acts, something like that. It would be a strain for me to share a sleeper cabin with these people either homosexuals transexuals or cardinals, I don't really feel I belong much with any of the above. And then to spend the rest of eternity, tell me we have sub-light speed, always Kiptin, well then stand by. I can only hope that Aristotle is right and there are no individuals in Heaven only persons. Well I have another parcel for She. I feel I should write something. As they say when they leave the altar of santification, I know not whether I shall return to make another sacrifice. I have a couple of hours I guess but I should head off soon if I am going to make the PO office hours whatever they are today.

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