Saturday, December 5, 2009

The six entity team

They do have some good lines. Epitaphs that touch the heart. They are like pop songs, superficial and profound. So half way through the episode Travis gets his one line back. I am taking the Shuttle. We are coming with. But it will be dangerous. You know your problem Travis. Yeah what's that. We are all you got.

Not really sure if I have that, but there are a few people who tolerate me still and keep in touch and don't seem to want to steal my money, and have been handy amid the slings and arrows, might not be seraphic or quantum level beings but who knows for sure. There is a lot be optimistic about. I had forgotten this pericope from Arundhati. Man finds loads of horse manure dumped in his room one day. He starts to dig around. With all this horse manure lying around he says to himself, there must be a horse here somewhere.

My real struggle will be to get to the Airport on time via the bus. I could take a taxi but it's gonna be 2000 rupees and a bus is only around 150. It's not as hard as getting the anti-matter drive to work and entering hyperspace doh these kids make that look easy so maybe it is. I am sure I can catch a bus outside Christ College, and I seem to have done that before yet that was to Kottayam so udder side. Once I get to Colombo if the ATM works then all I got to do is get to Kandy and there is talk of a home cooked delicious meal by Mrs Miggins aka Devika she asked about food I mentioned a sweet tooth one can hope.

Got a damn fine programme which can download from YouTube and many other sites I expect. If only I could find a site that had decent films. Like Hellboy II things that are sort of too old for cinemas might make it to TV where can I find places like that I have an downloader just point me in the right direction though this is the internet and most of the fun is in finding the site. How interesting can Hellboy II actually be. But I shall try to download a few episodes of Starhunter then I'll charge up the battery to full and switch her off till I get to Sri Lanka. And if the Kandy Cottage broadband is as fast as they say it is.

Now Jose wasn't that impwessed with the average white macbook, he wanted to see something like the airmac or the new Vaio. His point was that he would take something light on his travels and then link up with a desktop on his return. Now I didn't press that my average white macbook was more powerful than his light thing and his desktop. And since I don't have a desktop thing to link up to I'd have to buy two computers instead of the AWMcBook and I am chief roadie and everything but I didn't mention all this. Plus if you don't fall in love with a mac on sight well then it's just not meant to be and there's no point trying to explain it to the guy.

I did think though, ok it is a powerful machine but apart from that page of Matthew to which I have not actually added anything, sort of got stuck on chapter 26 of Robinsons. I'll just switch to phase two start reading texts from Healey and the lil book of Syriac short stories I got from Jose. Anyway apart from that and yeah I can write Meetei Meyek script. If I can get a hold of a grammar now there is one available. That can be my secondary subject (minor they calls it in Scotland) well yeah apart from that I really only use the AWmcBook to watch Starhunter. Yeah but no but I've already seen all of season two of The Guild and now I don't want to go on-line for an MMORPG. So yes still not using all of my potential hmm I remember the headmaster telling me hmm. Now he had a point but the stuff he thought I should pay attention to well in fact all the stuff I thought might be useful proved not to be and the stuff I was drawn to incidentally became really both interesting and useful.

There is that whole plan to choose the non-structured over the structured, folly over the sacrament. It's sound advice. Oh no more news from She. I might have scared her off with all the books. If she writes back I'll tell ya. Burma maybe. I think a lot of these countries with vicious tyrannical military dictatorships might be worth a visit if I let the soldiers know I am not here to stop anyone being disappeared or for any human rights issues, I just want to spend money and help the local economy, maybe do the whole exile writer thing and make you famous or just spend money and help the local economy whatever works and even if I were here for human rights stuff come on it's me boys. But I feel the need to gain the MA in Syriac or at least complete my translation of Matthew with copious notes.

And another thing I have gone orf the food here. I don't think it's as good and the portions are getting smaller or people complain if you take an extra chapati so time for me to go for sure. Two more meals and Tiffin to go then it's Kandy which I think will be a relaxing break, next to a forest, I'll be sure to take my umbrella. Got broadband and home cooking, a tooth temple, elephant orphanage, ah pity it's only two weeks. If I like it I shall return.

A little hungry now so the food should taste good. Catcha later.

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