Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ten days to go

It rains a lot here. Hot water seems to have run out. I could ask but I tend to ask about things I think really matter otherwise you start saying oh we haven't got this month's issue of Harpers and Gardening Appliances as maybe but I don't want to read them so why ask. So I just reminded her to reset the broadband. It shuts off once a day, might be a technical or financial thing who knows. Anyway speed has dropped to less than 10kbs. Hmm be a while before I get to see 2012 (the film not the year) but it tends to speed up in the course of the morning.

Got a touch of my asthmatic cough chest thing. I just wait for it to go. Can't blame the pigeons. Change of weather will do it. Her sis and brother-in-law and nephew baby are staying over. Pity I can't marry Mrs Miggins, but it would only work if I could live in Kottayam I am not sure if she understand the whole Man of Leisure thing.

Ok so maybe I did try to contact honourable fiancee no 2, but I got sidetracked reading an on-line debate on family wars. I don't recall all her relatives names I am not good with names but these lot are like a Russian Novel, they are all interrelated like one big mafia. I had read about the serial killing it's not really mass murder if it's only two figures. One family taking on another but they'd still be interrelated. And the response to martial law of 200 people taking to the streets. That's not a response. That's just a joke. 2 million is a response. Those peeps invented people power. They can get governments removed that way they just don't have a plan to do anything once that is done.

Anyway it could have been worse, it's not so much that I didn't belong with that set, but I'd have no idea what was going on. I think fiancee no 5 will probably be the ticket if I can only avoid marrying hon nos 3 and 4.

Oh and my future career looks sorted, we are forming a British Space Agency, I think I shall apply to join, only a truly British Space Agency would give the respect due to a Syriac Scholar interested in a British Space Agency. I could think up interesting names for Star Ships HMS oh let me think.

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